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  1. Well - I started my AHPRA application in February. Well after the 10th of February - so I cant use that (as Im well into the new criteria bracket). From what I understand, AHPRA is being put under enormous pressure to provide jobs for its own graduate nurses. As its quite an embarassing situation for them - as their own newly qualified nurses are just not finding jobs. So - it seems AHPRA have slammed on the brakes on the incoming international nurses. But - it appears as if they did it really badly. They just decided to do it without consulting anyone else it appears - which is so odd. I mean - what is the point of actually having an acreditation body - if.... their findings - their conclusion is rejected by the then respective body. I mean - that just does not add up. I mean what was the point of me applying to ANMAC!?! I mean - at the time I thought it strange... to apply to two seperate bodies for exactly the same thing... I mean ANMAC and AHPRA have effectively replicated the entire process. But - to them, its easy money - and ANMAC was just another money hoop for them to cash in on. I have been on the phone to AHPRA every week also, more than twice a week sometiems. ANd the people I speak to on the phone at AHPRA - JUST DO NOT HAVE A CLUE. It makes me wonder what they actually do - all they can say is "its being processed" and that is it. What a great job those people have. I just feels like a stitch up. I sometimes try and engage them into a conversation about how ANMAC is the acreditation body for AHPRA - but the people that answer the phone just dont have a clue - At All. And them answering the phones is a fire wall to getting to anyone with any answers. The other thing I keep thinking about - is, I am just a "Diploma nurse". And I am telling you - my nurse training was hard. But to then feel like your Diploma is cheapend like this - is gutting. It was a 3 year hard slog.
  2. Hi, Well. Thats it then. Atleast it softens the blow for me. I have to say that I am absolutly gutted. I am still waiting for my AHPRA result. I did ANMAC as well. And ANMAC acredited my Diploma as an Australian Degree. Surely - you can appeal on the grounds your Diploma is acredited as a Degree by the Acreditation board for nurses - which is ANMAC. That is the only thing I can think of. After all isnt the brisging program acredited by ANMAC? I saw this on British Expats Someone is trying to take a CLASS ACTION against AHPRA. I emailed them - and am still waiting to see if they will reply - to see if its genuine. But basicaly it seems as if someone is trying to build a case against AHPRA - on the grounds that you have been granted a visa to lvie in Oz on the virtue of being a nurse but cant actually work?! - which seems like a scandal. No Australian wants you to be there not working.... surely. If that happened in the UK - there would be a public outcry!!! On all the front pages of all the right wing papers... ! It seems a Lawyer or someone is trying to build a case against AHPRA. But it is hard to know if it is a scam or not - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-c....WaCMhcfT.dpuf - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-careers/203873-diploma-nurses-have-any-recently-got-ahpra-registration.html#post1936549168
  3. Yes I take your point - but why would they take just so long to make a decision based on something so elementary as not having a Degree - they have been asking me for extra evidence all the time (sylabus, etc...) all 37 pages etc... it is just weird I cant do the bridging program (even if I get that) - because of the cost and also because it seems you cant apply for a student visa either. So that option is out Is there anywhere I can find out about what NZ's requirements are please?... as alternative option ALso, does anyone know of any Diploma nurses that have recently succesfully achieved AHPRA registration please? I am waiting for AHPRA's decision since February. I am a Diploma nurse - and I am very worried because there seems to be some people being refused because they do not have a Degree. I got ANMAC acreditation (for degree) - but that aparantly does not count. And weirdly - I actually have a job waiting for me in Oz. And also, my agent who found the job for me seems to think I will get AHPRA. And yet if you look at this forum - it seems that Diploma nurses are being refused Can anyone help please?
  4. Yes I take your point - but why would they take just so long to make a decision based on something so elementary as not having a Degree - they have been asking me for extra evidence all the time (sylabus, etc...) all 37 pages etc... it is just weird I cant do the bridging program (even if I get that) - because of the cost and also because it seems you cant apply for a student visa either. So that option is out Is there anywhere I can find out about what NZ's requirements are please?... as alternative option ALso, does anyone know of any Diploma nurses that have recently succesfully achieved AHPRA registration please? I am waiting for AHPRA's decision since February. I am a Diploma nurse - and I am very worried because there seems to be some people being refused because they do not have a Degree. I got ANMAC acreditation (for degree) - but that aparantly does not count. And weirdly - I actually have a job waiting for me in Oz. And also, my agent who found the job for me seems to think I will get AHPRA. And yet if you look at this forum - it seems that Diploma nurses are being refused Can anyone help please?
  5. Yes I take your point - but why would they take just so long to make a decision based on something so elementary as not having a Degree - they have been asking me for extra evidence all the time (sylabus, etc...) all 37 pages etc... it is just weird I cant do the bridging program (even if I get that) - because of the cost and also because it seems you cant apply for a student visa either. So that option is out Is there anywhere I can find out about what NZ's requirements are please?... as alternative option ALso, does anyone know of any Diploma nurses that have recently succesfully achieved AHPRA registration please? I am waiting for AHPRA's decision since February. I am a Diploma nurse - and I am very worried because there seems to be some people being refused because they do not have a Degree. I got ANMAC acreditation (for degree) - but that aparantly does not count. And weirdly - I actually have a job waiting for me in Oz. And also, my agent who found the job for me seems to think I will get AHPRA. And yet if you look at this forum - it seems that Diploma nurses are being refused Can anyone help please?
  6. Have any Diploma nurses recently succesfully registered with AHPRA please? or been refused?
  7. Have any Diploma nurses recently succesfully been accepted by AHPRA? I am waiting for a decision from AHPRA and I am a Diploma nurse with a small CPD module I just completed at University. Does this mean that I will be refused by AHPRA? Why would they string me along like this for so long? I did the ANMAC and then applied to AHPRA - and have constantly supplied evidence that AHPRA have requested over a period of months - and then to be refused at the end of that long process for something so simple as not having a degree just does not make sense. Why didnt they tell me that at the beginning of the application process - it would have saved us both a lot of agravation?
  8. Hi there, I am a UK Diploma trained nurse ( a 3 year university course ) and I was assessed by ANMAC as having equivalent to a degree. But, I am still waiting for a decision from AHPRA since February this year. Has anyone, who has a nursing Diploma, recently succesfully registered with AHPRA please? As I am starting to get very worried. Thanks
  9. Has any UK Diploma nurse recently succesfully registered with AHPRA please? (with regard to the new AHPRA criteria in place). I have been waiting since February for a decision - and I am worried - as I am a Diploma trained nurse. Thanks
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